Budget Booster

The Budget Booster is back! At the MSU Surplus Store, our highest mission is to support university departments in their efforts to not only recoup value from discarded items, but also to help them save on items they need every day.

The idea started simply enough. “Why are we selling this item to the general public, when we know departments are paying full retail price for some of these items?” The solution is the Budget Booster, a campus supply redeployment effort to bring you items you can use, direct to your inbox, at significant savings over full retail costs.

It is our intention to grow this service to campus over time, starting small and expanding as your needs grow. Our hope is that you will consider us before purchasing through off-campus vendors. We are more than just desks and filing cabinets. If there is something you need that you do not see listed in our newsletter, or if you have suggestions on how we can help your department, please email us. All purchases will be conducted through department accounts and we offer next day delivery in most cases.

Welcome to the new Budget Booster. We hope you look forward to our bi-monthly newsletter. Please forward this to any university contacts you feel would be interested. Let us help you help your bottom line.

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To subscribe to the mailing list, please use the newsletter sign up option at the bottom of this page and sign up with your @msu.edu email address. Any MSU email address signed up for the newsletter will automatically receive the Budget Booster.